Monday, March 2, 2015

C.R. Gillis

“…down by the banks of the river Charles.”

Off-duty Officer Gillis wandered down Charles Street toward Storrow Drive and the river. The sky was pewter pink with flecks of gray clouds strafing its line. It would open in easy glimpses as his sight passed one building to the next. He had a habit of looking up into the spaces between brownstones; between anything more than a few stories high. It was difficult this evening, around 8 o'clock during daylight savings time, for him to remember he wasn't donning his policing duds.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Christening a pit.

Dave Foley is impossible to offend. Stop trying to live in a beautiful world. What unfolds may surprise. May be familiar. What do you think about when a fire's dying. If you're up that late. If the conversation's gone. Smokey and hoping the ember glow won't go away. What then and what about when the fire's done. You put it out. You were the last one there. Someone else put it out. Someone else do it. But it's you. It's water and black. Sit. What now? It percolates through windows that face the ground. It isn't dead is it. ~train horn for Mickey. Make it show itself. And don't try to get it when it does.

Saturday, November 30, 2013


Either end of the wishbone: Don't be so much indoors. The rest'll take care. Meet some jerks; get caught laughing about something inexplicable to anyone else; have an eye-opening, good kind of chills-down-your-spine conversation with a stranger without the need to exchange names or info. Let the moment go. Get in a fight; loser gets a pack or pint. Save a spider. Do something unnerving. Let your palms sweat; they'll dry back up. Sit in a large room silently with a bunch of other people watching the same story unfold, or reading different ones. Be with your friends and fam and watch the world go by. Go to the goddamn parade, or be in it; don't watch it on TV. Put the kid on your shoulders so she can see. If you want to wrap presents for people, I guess that's fine. Off the box, Happy December, January, February. Every. etc, etc.