Wednesday, December 30, 2009

5X500 for the new year!

new 5x500 {81 gods}

inspired by an interview with photographer An My-Le, who shot Vietnam War re-enactors in Virginia. She's extremely talented and tells wonderful stories. {my first two attempts at typing 'wonderful' spelled 'wonderflu', which i have.}

here's her site.

and below are some short links related in some fashion to 81 gods {the number of known gods of war}

re-enactment locales - states AND countries
day-time re-enactment video - 5:34 {wait thirty seconds for the languages if it's a little too long for ya}
night battle re-enactment video - 2:15

Louisa, Virginia


Sunday, December 6, 2009

five new fotos

new snow

julie mehretu

these are portions of the piece, Berliner Platze. It's wall sized.
acrylic on canvas, overlaid with pencil, pen, ink, and streams of paint

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

ThisThat Recall

we only want {give us} the good bits
i won't get heavy
i only freak out when i'm dancing
and even then, not really

i'm actually in decent control
i know my moves
and i know what i'm going to say
to each person i meet
i size them up so fast

this only comes with practise on
the ones you love
so you can make mistakes
and have a quick joke ready
to lighten the atmosphere and
after a time try again

i have my go to's
but i can't use them too much
or else i'll get spotted
note: deflection techniques
pick a detail
once they're talking
pick a detail to remember
and surprise them with it later but make sure it fits
have a second just in case
people enjoy the feeling of
being paid attention to

look at them when you're
look away when
pausing to think
when their eyes flash hallelujah
hold your breath with your
mouth open
look down
{k}crinkle your forehead
point your eyebrows and
say a silent 'wow' toward the floor

don't engage the quiet ones
they'll spot you
treat them with a made-of-nothing silent
respect and small, genuine
smiles. pay attention
when they're telling someone
next to you a story, but
don't watch the story being told
look out and far-off
as in great thought
occasionally nod. The
quiet ones need to feel right.

if you give an opinion,
be sure it already belongs
be sure you've heard it before
from someone who already does
belong. and that that person
is still around. Preferably
in earshot.

Never ever ever
pour your own drink. Should anyone find you too smooth. Should anyone sniff you out
break something sexily
and take self-effacing, confident

Do not discuss your mother
However, if she or any other
related women are brought up
give the impression that you love
them very much. That you'll
rush a firing squad to save them
Quickly, and with seemingly accidental intent, change the subject.

When asked about men in your family,
give quick words of
respect, couple with a sense that greatness
is prenatal, except when it comes to
your father.
w/ your father, suggest turmoil, even
if none exists. This is history, This is myth.
Myth is what we already know, but pretend as if we don't.
Myth happens over and over, because of us;
we choose not to recognize it so that we may live it.
Be the hero, but don't be on a journey.
There are few things worse than a woman who wants
your journey more than she wants you.

Keep time. Never linger. Occasionally leave
without goodbyes. Be sure that someone sees you doing this
later, when pressed, suggest an undefinable, indefatigable situation, completely within your {page} control, and handled, for now
refuse details. Whatever it is; it is yours.
This is a tremendous lie in
that you have falseness, yet nothing false to
recall. AND
Your future lack of remembrance will seem insouciant,
which is sexy
which is nature's lie.