Saturday, January 16, 2010

new {from wednesday} 5x500

Dear, Madame, Sir

like most fiction, the fivebyfivehundred piece linked above is not a reflection of personal feelings, simply an attempt to tap into the witness of those who view themselves fallen through one of life's many trap doors. Were they able to send honest letters, and were a little 'crazy, maybe', perhaps this is what they'd sometimes say.

below are some lyrics as a little add-on.

Radiohead's Motion Picture Soundtrack, from Kid A:

red wine and sleeping pills
help me get back to your arms
cheap sex and sad films
help me get where i belong

i think you're crazy, maybe
i think you're crazy, maybe

stop sending letters
letters will always get burned
it's not like the movies
they've fed us on little white lies

i think you're crazy, maybe
i think you're crazy, maybe
i will see you in the next life